Team FlexTech's DeliveryIt


About Product

The name of our team is FlexTech and the final product of our team is simple, yet complicated in the development side. However, our final product is very simple to use and is developed to be very convenient and helpful for users. Our team product can be used by three user types: Users, Deliveryman and Admin. Admin will use application for registering deliveryman like creating account so that deliveryman can sign in and use the application. Users can register to create account, sign-in to use the application and add a list of items, then find the deliveryman nearby with the application and hire the available deliveryman to start the delivery request conveniently. Users can check the status of the deliveryman or the users can also track the location of the current GPS position of the deliveryman on the Mini-GPS map available (visible) in the application. Deliveryman will use the application and when the deliveryman receives notification requests from users, the deliveryman can accept the delivery request. After that, he would go to the nearest convenient store and purchase required items as request by the users (which is visible in the app). After purchasing the products, the deliveryman could use the map in the application to deliver the purchased (requested) products to the users. When the deliveryman delivers and handover the items to the users at their door steps, the users can check the items purchased, pay for the products and complete the delivery process.

Product Videos

Product Trailler

Product Walkthrough

Product Demo

You can download our DeliverIt android app from following link.


Product Source Code

You can view our source code from following link.


User: shwethaw

Password: shwethaw